Wednesday, February 22, 2012

#HB1503 relative to motorcycle rider education. "If it an't broke..." KILLED 230 to 117

HB 1503-FN, relative to motorcycle rider education.  INEXPEDIENT TO LEGISLATE.

Rep. Sherman A Packard for Transportation:  The state motorcycle education program has been in existence since 1990.  It was started by the motorcycling community for the new motorcycle riders who had no place to go to learn the proper and safe way to operate a motorcycle.  To fund this program, a dollar was added to the registration fee of motorcycles only, and five dollars was added to the renewal of a motorcycle license.  To start the program, New Hampshire Motorcyclists Rights Organization contributed about $30,000 to the state for instructor training and other expenses until money started coming in from registration and licensing fees.  Over the years the state program has trained over 44,000 people.  This training has proven to save lives and prevent accidents.  Because of the enormous start up costs involved in rider education, no private entity did so until the early 2000’s.  The motorcycling community pushed to have these alternative entities available.  Currently the cost to a student in the state program is $110.00.  The cost of the non-state program runs between $220.00 and $349.00.  If the state program were to be discontinued, many people would have difficulty with the added expense and probably not take the course.  This would no doubt cause an increase of inexperienced riders on the road, causing an increase in accidents and fatalities.  This program is a voluntary program and no motorcyclist voiced a concern about paying an extra two dollars a year to help keep the riders safe.  This program is completely self-funded by motorcyclists only.  The committee asks that you listen to the vast majority of over 100,000 licensed motorcyclists in New Hampshire and support ITL.  Vote 14-0.

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