Wednesday, May 30, 2012

#nhhouse Dem letter to Speaker re: 1. coverup of former Rep Bettencourt resignation 2. Mead mileage scandel

Wednesday, May 30, 2012 12:51 PM
State House Dome B&WNew Hampshire
House of Representatives
Concord, NH
House Democratic Office

Speaker William O’Brien
New Hampshire House of Representatives
State House
107 N. Main St.
Concord, NH 03301

Monday, May 30, 2012

Dear Mr. Speaker:

As you know, the image of the New Hampshire House has been tarnished by recent events.  Our legislative ethics guidelines state that legislators should treat their office as a public trust, acting “openly, equitably and honorably in a manner that permits the citizenry…to hold government officials accountable.”  Furthermore, as you wrote to the Republican caucus, you insisted on “honesty, integrity and ethical behavior” from your leadership team and said you would have “no tolerance for any leader who departs from that foundational standard.”

Surely the public has a right to expect those standards would also apply to the Speaker. Answers to legitimate questions raised by members of the public and state-wide media surrounding the resignation of Bob Mead should have been a priority.  Instead you proclaimed House leadership is “too busy” to discuss the extent to which taxpayer money was funding a staff person to primarily perform Republican political activities. While Bob Mead may have re-paid mileage costs after the Concord Monitor reported on this, we still do not know whether he was charging taxpayers for his time on these Republican political activities; whether he received comp time, as well as mileage, for recruiting Republican candidates on nights and weekends; or whether he was specifically directed to perform political duties and by whom.

As DJ Bettencourt resigned last Friday, he announced he was leaving to move into a position in your foundation. Given recent revelations, including your participation in a meeting on these serious issues prior to Bettencourt’s announcement, the people of New Hampshire deserve to know whether the Speaker’s office collaborated in efforts to cover up, conceal and excuse the former Majority Leader’s alleged fraud.

In your email to your caucus, you stated that you met with Rep. Bettencourt and Rep. Guida on Friday morning and that you found Rep. Guida’s claims had substance.  You stated, “it was agreed that DJ would immediately announce his resignation as Majority Leader and House member effective at the end of the June 6 session and he would cite personal problems as the reason for his resignation.” 

This statement and your continued refusal to answer questions regarding Mr. Mead raise the following additional questions:

  1. Why did you agree to allow Rep. Bettencourt to cover up the reasons for his resignation?
  2. Why, if you felt his actions required him to resign, did you not request his resignation immediately instead of allowing him to serve through the end of the session?
  3. Why didn’t you take action when you heard Rep. Bettencourt’s original explanation for his resignation, stating that he was resigning because he was getting married and taking a job working for you?
  4. Was Rep. Bettencourt’s job with your legal advocacy group arranged before or after you learned of Rep. Guida’s claims?
5.      Prior to the disclosure by the Concord Monitor that Bob Mead was charging mileage for campaign activities, did you or anyone on your staff or your leadership team know that Bob Mead was being paid a salary by the state for the same hours that he was performing campaign activities for the Republican Party ?

The people of New Hampshire deserve answers to legitimate questions – questions asked not only by the minority in this body, but by the media, by members of the Republican caucus, and members of the public. This is not the time to “close ranks.” This is the time to come clean with the people of this great state.

Given the refusal of the Speaker’s office to deal with these issues forthrightly, for the sake of the House’s reputation, we have no choice but to urgently request an independent review that will provide to the public a full accounting of both of these scandals.

We take great pride in the reputation for doing the people’s business with the highest ethical standards. That reputation stands tarnished today. Only an independent, full, and honest accounting can help the House regain the trust of New Hampshire’s citizens.


Representative Terie Norelli               Representative Mary Jane Wallner

Representative Gary Richardson        Representative Stephen Shurtleff

Representative Cindy Rosenwald      Representative Lucy Weber

Representative Benjamin Baroody     Representative Bernard Benn

Representative David Cote                 Representative Sharon Nordgren

#nhhouse in recess until Wed June 6th

#NHhouse Rep Vaillancourt speaks his mind re: former Rep Bettencourt's "constant stream of lies"


From: Vaillancourt, Steve
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 5:05 PM
Subject: RE: O'Brien email

I've been busy all day with the Hillsborough County budget, and since I have no computer at home, I only know what y'all in the media tell me.  I have some--many--thoughts, and will share them not only with you, but with the world.  First congratulations; I was going to do a Media Watch blog on your breaking of deserve an award for that...and I trust we haven't heard the end of it.  "A fish rots from the head down."  Where's the head here?

1)  In a sense, DJ's lies in his personal life don't trouble me nearly as much as the constant stream of lies he told from the House floor which I have pointed out in my blog.  The whopper in his speech about redistricting meeting both state and federal constitutions is printed in the journal, so posterity will know of this biggest of all lies.  Last week, when we began removing things from table (which never should have been tabled), D.J. lied again saying the tabling ploy had succeeded in giving us leverage with the Senate when in fact the tabling only made the matter worse with the Senate.  D.J. had begun to feel he was above the laws which apply to normal people...interestingly, even the Speaker had to take D.U. to task twice (ever so gently of course) for saying against the rules in his parliamentary inquiries  The more I think of it, the more I see personal and public lies intersecting....DJ obviously came to believe (perhaps not even consciously, and that would be the real tragedy) that he'd been getting away with so many lies on the House floor, that he'd been able pull to wool over the eyes of members of his super majority so often, that he would be able to get away with personal lies as well.  I'm no psychiatrist but that would tend to explain him recklessly going for broke with such a stupid lie, stupid being defined as one in which you are certain to get caught.   It seems that those who take comfort in lying at will never think about getting caught, so it becomes second nature to them.

2)  If it's a rection to O'Brien you seek, as always I will be honest (and may even work in a German reference so be forewarned).  I do some of my best thinking when I either mow my lawn or ride my bike (along the Lachine Canal).   I was mowing my lawn yesterday and thought of a title for a new blog based on Cold War history of Berlin.   It would be called "The Fechterization of NH Republicans" named after the young East German (Peter Fechter) who bled to death at the base of the wall, having been shot by Vopos as American soldiers at Checkpoint Charlie did nothing to help him. New Hampshire Republicans remind me of the American soldiers who knew something terrible was happening but didn't want to rock the boat by helping the young man.  They chose cowardice over action.  Republicans who blindly follow O'Brien are choosing cowardice over what is best for society, the state, and the party today.
When I finished mowing, I went inside and ran the numbers district by district for the November election (a task I'd been setting aside for a long time).  Whether you believe it or not, I came up with exactly 200-200 for next year.  I had not planned this, but I had guessed it would be in that range.  Republican insistence on continuing to display blind loyalty to the tyrant will do irreparable (at least for this year) harm to the party, just like Peter Fechter was allowed to bleed to death at the base of the wall by those who could have helped him.  As I tried to tell the late Mike Whalley back in 2006 (prior to the Demcrats assuming control), a tsunami is building.  Republicans don't know what is about to hit them.  Bill O'Brien is like the helmsman on the Titanic....Yes, he sees the iceberg out there; we all set it, but he's almighty and no bit of ice can hurt the almighty ,so full speed ahead!
A more appropriate analogy (albeit a NAZI one, so avert your tender eyes if you are offended by such forewarned) is that Bill O'Brien is like the German leader (no H words, please!) at the gates of Moscow or Stalingrad...we've come this far...sure it's getting cold; sure, we lack winter clothing; sure, we've run out of food; and sure there appear to be a lot of Russians massing out there, but I, your leader, am invincbile, so why should I allow you to turn back now.  Full speed ahead.  Victory will be hours if we only redouble our efforts to vanquish the enemy.
Such reckless conduct is truly dangerous in both a political and military leader.  Obvisouly neither DJ nor OB were cut out to be leaders.

3)  If it's about the new leader Peter Silva, I guess I should exercise a bit of self censorship here, but that's never been my style.  Let's just say the Peter Principle should have been applied to Silva long ago.  He's one of the most incompetent people I could imagine at the helm (iceberg, what iceberg?), and I believe Republicans will be wiped out espeically in his Nashua this year.
If it was a comment on the new deputy you sought, here's a nice little story. I recall when I had DJ and O'Brien on my TV show just after the past election, back in the days when some of us hoped that government could be reined in without resorting to totalitarian means.   I always ask guests if there is anything they would prefer I not bring up during the course of our interview....You're way ahead of me....O'Brien didn't want to talk about the one thing I trust Ray Buckley and Kathy Sullivan and their ilk (not that there's anything wrong with ilk) will pound home day after day now... Stepanek's DWI.  Don't get me wrong.  We all do things we wish we hadn't done; I had a DWI 25 or so years ago, and I believe I learned from it; I've discussed it on my show, but it appears O'Brien just wanted it to go's not going away...and I still have the vision in my mind of this recent DWI person jumping up to the floor asking for a piece of my flesh two weeks would expect more compassion for someone who has shown very little remorse for his own transgressions.  But now he's Peter Principle's Deputy.
You just can't make this stuff up....nor would I want to try.

Enough?  Peace!

#Nhhouse Speaker emails house Republicans to tell them to "not engage in self-flagellation"

(NOTE: This is an email sent to the Republican members from Speaker O’Brien.)

Dear Colleagues: 

Friday morning, Brandon Giuda contacted me and said that D.J. Bettencourt had submitted to his law school false records relating to an internship that he had with Brandon. I met with both of them later that morning and it was clear to me that there was substance to that claim. Consequently, it was agreed that D.J. would immediately announce his resignation as Majority Leader and a House member effective at the end of the June 6 session and he would cite personal problems as the reason for his resignation. It was also understood that he would immediately contact the law school and begin the process of self-disclosing the wrong that he had committed. 

After the announcement by D.J. of his resignation, Brandon again contacted me and said the reasons given by D.J. to the press for resigning were wrong and did not properly state why he was resigning. Brandon stated that it was necessary that Brandon publicly correct the record. As we have seen, he has done so. 

Today, D.J. announced to the press that he is resigning immediately as a House member. I spoke with him a short time ago for the first time since Friday and he has confirmed his immediate resignation. 

Now we are left with the consequences of this event. There will be those that say that D.J.’s failure and his resignation characterize our current majority. Others will say that it characterizes the leadership of our caucus. Neither is true. 

D.J.’s error is personal to him and was a deeply wrong choice he made on his own. His mistake characterizes neither the caucus who elected him as majority leader nor the remaining members of leadership or of our caucus who have relied on him to join our efforts in bringing forward the Republican solutions our state so sorely needed and continues to need. 

Indeed, it needs to be said, failure of this sort by a leader is particularly upsetting to all of us because it so clearly at odds with our party’s ideal, and our personal ideal, of selfless service of elected officials on behalf of our state. Moreover, it is a breach of the implicit promise any elected leader – whether elected by voters or in a caucus – to at all time be ethical and honest in not only our legislative efforts, but also in our personal lives. It also is at odds with the direction I gave to all House leadership at the beginning of the session that honesty, integrity and ethical behavior will be the foundation for all our efforts and that I would have no tolerance for any leader who departs from that foundational standard. 

Our opposition of course decided early on that their agenda of overspending, robust taxes, and radical social change would not get them a majority, but that arguments of process, name-calling, and false allegations of wrongdoing will be adequate substitutes. Unfortunately, this episode will be used by them to pump life into what up to this point have been vapid arguments that have resonated only with their base. We need to take two steps to avoid this effort from becoming effective because of this episode. 

The first thing we need to do is not engage in self-flagellation and ignore those in our caucus who will take delight in using this episode to gain for themselves the relevance they have lost over the prior two years. It is time to be united. We have made amazing gains for New Hampshire over the past two years and we should be proud of those gains. Those successes and not one member’s failure outside of his legislative activities are the characteristics of our efforts. 

Secondly, we need to focus on the remainder of this session. We have two session days left – one this upcoming week and another 
on June 6. We will have votes on several constitutional amendments, pension reform, and many other items of important legislation. Much of this legislation will complete our efforts to keep our promises of 18 months ago to the people of New Hampshire. The people deserve us not being distracted from completing our agenda. 

I will be in touch again with all of you as we work through the consequences of this episode and the remainder of our legislative term. If anyone of you has a question or concern, please get in touch with me. Send me an email or call me. However, most importantly, let us not turn on each other, but let us instead turn to the reforms for which we sought election and were charged by the people to pursue. 

Finally, may I make one additional request of you? Please join me in bringing D.J. and his family into our prayers. He and they will face significant challenges and I hope that through the Lord he will find the strength of character and the support that will allow him to come to a life of meaning and grace. 

-Bill O’Brien

#nhhouse members cannot help but comment on scandel leading to forced resignation of former Rep Bettencourt'" class="rwRRO">DiPentima, Rich
In response to the message from Leonard, Frederick, Sun 7:25 AM
To:" class="rwRRO">‎;" class="rwRRO">Comerford, Timothy 
Cc:" class="rwRRO">Fredette,Robert‎;" class="rwRRO">Soltani,Tony‎;" class="rwRRO rwDL">~All Representatives 

Sunday, May 27, 2012 8:16 PM
I was contacted by the Portsmouth Herald today regarding DJ's resignation for my comments.  I was actually quite gentile in my comments about DJ to the press.  At the time, I was totally unaware of the issue regarding the false internships reports he submitted.  This news chaqnges everything for me.  This is a seriois academic offense and should result in expulsion from the school.  It is especially important considering DJ's position as the House Majority Leader.  The people expect and deserve a greater level of integrity, honesty and ethics from their elected officials.

Rich DiPentima" class="rwRRO">LeBrun, Donald

Sunday, May 27, 2012 8:28 AM
It's time to come together as colleagues and friends. I fully understand all aspects of this and will offer a helping hand of friendship in any way I can. May god provide us all the guidance to do the right thing to HELP all those involved. Don LeBrun

Sent from my iPad" class="rwRRO">Leonard, Frederick

Sunday, May 27, 2012 7:25 AM
if these allegations are true, D.J. is a liar and a fraud...let's be real here, there is no honor in pretending to be something that you're not...the "difficult" time he will likely go through was self inflicted...

Fred Leonard" class="rwRRO">Tim Comerford []

Sunday, May 27, 2012 12:45 AM
I am absolutely proud to serve as a member of this House!  Reps. Soltani and Fredette have been outspoken and courageous...but yet humble. Many of our friends from the Democratic side of the aisle such as Reps. Lindsey,Pierce,Perry,Gimas, and yes even Norelli have been critical yet reasoned. I am a true believer in the tenet of disagreeing without being disagreeable. Let us cut the  vitriolic crap and finish out the term strong. Put the votes on the line and let the "chips" fall where they may. I seem to recall graduating high school in 2004, but alas I may be mistaken judging by some of the behavior I have seen all over the legislature (including the Senate) this year. Principles and the People come first...everything else is SECONDARY.

Take Care,


Rep. Tim Comerford

New Hampshire House of Representatives

Vice-Chair Legislative Administration

Rockingham County District 9 (Epping/Fremont)

(603) 895-2493 h

(603) 583-2464 c" class="rwRRO">Robert Fredette []

Sunday, May 27, 2012 12:15 AM

It is that kind of attitude that makes you a wonderful guy. I thank you for the privilege of calling you a friend. 

As for DJ, we need to all provide him and family whatever assistance we can. He will be back in the house even smarter and stronger than before.

Bob Fredette

Sent from my iPad" class="rwRRO">Rep. Tony Soltani []

Saturday, May 26, 2012 11:43 PM

    We are not in the war business. But an adage from a much wiser soldier than me, might be in order. There is no victory in war, only the dead and the living. D. J. is going through a difficult time. It is no secret that we have had disagreement. I do not for a moment rejoice because of his difficulties. Instead, I extend a hand of pure friendship and brotherly love and help. By gones are by gones. The past is the past. There is no room in any of your honorable hearts for hatred.
    I pray that D.J will continue on his journey through life with great success and put this learning episode behind him. I also pray for Bob and Katrina, who are my personal friends , for this is never an easy task. It is heartbreaking.

    D.J. is more than welcome to take advantage of any resources at my office. We have three lawyers, two  with more than 20 years of unblemished service. If I can help D.J. , Bob, or Katrina, in any way, I will.

Bless you all
Tony" class="rwRRO">steve lindsey []

Saturday, May 26, 2012 1:44 PM

Big Time?

  Time to doff our hats to Bettencourt.  He did a lot for his causes.  And will come roaring back after reaping well in the Private Sector and/or as well as various foundations and think tanks.

  Maybe he's the next John E Sunnu!  More likely a big noise in the Beltway.  Like in that Peter Gabriel "Big Time" song  Expect a lot more down the road, after a well deserved rest.  DJ will be back, and we'll be reading about his daring-do in the papers!


---S" class="rwRRO">Duarte, Joe

Tuesday, May 29, 2012 12:02 PM
I ask that we all please move on and stop throwing more gasoline on the Fire
Thanks for listening" class="rwRRO">Horrigan, Timothy
To:" class="rwRRO">Worsman, Colette‎;" class="rwRRO">Panek,William‎;" class="rwRRO">LeBrun, Donald‎;" class="rwRRO">Accornero, Harry 
Cc:" class="rwRRO rwDL">~All Representatives 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012 7:38 AM
I feel sorry for former Rep.. Bettencourt and I know I will forgive him.  But, he has admitted to a blatant academic fraud.  Making up a lengthy report detailing 165 hours of nonexistent work is more than a mere  slip of the tongue.  It  is a major, major mistake.  And. let's not forget that he tried to implicate another member of the House in his scheme.

--Tim Horrigan" class="rwRRO">Worsman, Colette

Monday, May 28, 2012 8:39 PM
There is not one of us who is free from making mistakes.  You have taken responsibility for your actions.  Please pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on.  Also please don't let this discourage you or diminish the tremendous contributions and dedication you have had for our Caucus and your constituents.  Thank you.

May God bless your journey.

Colette Worsman" class="rwRRO">Will Panek []

Monday, May 28, 2012 2:39 PM

Keep your chin up.  It's our mistakes in life that help us grow and become the men (and women) that we are.  

You are still a friend and we are there for you if you need a shoulder to lean on.

Good luck with your upcoming marriage.  That is truly the important thing in your life.

All the best and please feel free to email me if I can help in any way.

Will Panek

Rep. William Panek
NH House of Representatives
Science, Technology, and Energy Committee

----- Reply message -----
From: "LeBrun, Donald" <>
Date: Mon, May 28, 2012 2:23 pm
Subject: DJ
To: "Accornero, Harry" <>
Cc: "~All Representatives" <>

As it says in the Bible, let thee without sin cast the first stone. Don LeBrun

Sent from my iPad

On May 27, 2012, at 9:10 PM, "Accornero, Harry" <> wrote:

> I know what DJ did was wrong and he should resign, but he has stood up and taken responsibility for his actions. From what I have been reading it appears that most of you have never done anything you would not like people to know about, but there are some of us that can relate at least in part to what DJ’s is going through. How many of you are going to continue to kick him while he is down. How about standing with him and show some compassion!
> Harry" class="rwRRO">LeBrun, Donald

Monday, May 28, 2012 2:23 PM
As it says in the Bible, let thee without sin cast the first stone. Don LeBrun

Sent from my iPad" class="rwRRO">Flanagan, Jack

Sunday, May 27, 2012 9:58 PM

We had a 27 year old young man who was trying to get a Law degree, represent his District,. had a serious relationship with Shannon, trying to work for 290 Republican legislators and still have a life.  I don't condone his behavior, however I understand why it happened.

When I was young, I remember asking my father why he was so smart.  This was a man with 3 degrees (Georgia Tech, MIT and Harvard).  His response was that he made more mistakes than I have.   An answer that I wasn't quite ready for, but understood.

DJ has proven to us that he is human.  I sincerely hope that he learns from this, turns it into some thing positive and moves on.  I hope our paths cross again.  He is a good man.


Jack Flanagan" class="rwRRO">Accornero, Harry

Sunday, May 27, 2012 9:10 PM
I know what DJ did was wrong and he should resign, but he has stood up and taken responsibility for his actions. From what I have been reading it appears that most of you have never done anything you would not like people to know about, but there are some of us that can relate at least in part to what DJ’s is going through. How many of you are going to continue to kick him while he is down. How about standing with him and show some compassion!
