Follow this blog to keep up with happenings in Concord. Jenna will use this forum to post information, solicit feedback, votes, opinions and more.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
For some good news, check out #UNH new art exhibit! @UofNH
Maddness at the #NhEducation Committee today. Check out this great overview. Thanks @sPalermoNews #nhhouse #nhpolitics
A bit more about #NH… Until '92 the state required a loyalty oath from public school teachers.
MVSD Asst Super: all districts we visited used different books for IB @ elem & middle school levels. It's a way of teaching, not curriculum.
Hey #highered folks: What's the college admission opinion of IB? It's being debated at NH House Ed committee.
MVSD Asst Super says teachers in other IB districts see higher test scores. "children were so engaged in their own education."
Rep Balboni: could IB put teachers at risk of violating RSA191. Whats that? "No teacher shall advocate communism"… #NH
Rep Boehm: I agree IB is bad, but it's a local issue. Work through warrant articles. Cohn: minority won't win, need way out. #IB#NHpolitics
Rep Cohn (reps Merr Valley Schl District towns): HB 1403 is "exit strategy" for parents who object to IB.
Rep Pettengill: IB "absolutely" attempts to influence students toward the idea of one world government, and against the soveriegnty of US
Here's my earlier coverage of the IB program beginning in Merr Valley | Concord Monitor: #NHeducation
Two high schls in NH have IB prgrm: Bedford and New Hampton. Merr. Valley district is working towards it, in elementary and middle schools.
House Ed comm room filling up before hearing on HB1403 on parental objections to IB programs. #NHpolitics…
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Public interviews for #DurhamNH #ORCSD Superintendent candidates begins tonight at 5:15pm. More info attached. @ORCommunity
Public Forums:
Tuesday, January 24 at 5:15 pm at the High School Library- Mr. Jay McIntire
Wednesday, January 25 at 5:15 pm at the High School Library- Dr. James Morse
Wednesday, January 25 at 6:15 pm at the High School Library- Dr. John Bacon
Public School Board interviews will be conducted after each forum.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Meet-up with Rep Roberts tomorrow, 1/24, 9-10 am at Idea Greenhouse in #Durham @ideagreenhousnh
Twitter: NHRepRoberts
ODCSD Sustainability Cmt sponsoring Cafeteria Man Movie, Mon 1/30, at the OR HS Auditorium, 7-8:30 PM #durham #orcsd